Students will perform in an afternoon hafla at the Casablanca Restaurant on Saturday, June 15, 2013. On Sunday, June 23, each student will meet privately with Katrina and Latifa to receive performance feedback and suggestions for dance growth. After a short break, Latifa and Katrina will each teach 90-minute workshops designed to give you the building blocks you need to become a better dancer. The afternoon will be capped off with tips for developing your personal dance plan.
The number of participants will be limited, because of the focus on individual training.
Event Schedule
Saturday, June 15, hafla at the Casablanca Restaurant, 1504 King St, Alexandria, VA. Doors open at 2 PM, show 2:30-4:40. $20 per person includes delicious Moroccan buffet. (Each student will be responsible for selling two hafla tickets.)
Sunday, June 23 performance feedback, workshops, and suggestions for developing a dance plan. This portion of the event will be held at Born 2 Dance Studio in Vienna, VA.
10 AM- 2 PM Individual coaching
2-2:15 Break
2:15-3:45 Workshop with Latifa: Developing Stage Presence. Don’t be a dancing costume! Let the audience know who you are.
During this workshop, Latifa will explain how to establish your own dance persona and communicate more effectively with the audience. We will try on various archetypes or personalities to see which ones fit best. Also covered will be persuasive body language, Latifa’s cheap tricks to win over an audience, and tips on how to establish contact with the whole audience.
3:45-4 PM Break
4-5:30 PM Workshop with Katrina: Traveling, Turns & Using Your Stage Learn new techniques to make turns smooth and effortless, with greater flow and balance, then combine them with traveling steps to ensure that your performance is as dynamic and engaging as you! Through the artful use of traveling steps and turns, your dance will appear more refined, elegant and have more impact. Layer on effective use of your stage and you will dazzle your audience. Learn tips to incorporating travelling steps and turns into your dance, practice concepts and technique with new combinations, and ratchet up your dance!
5:30-6 PM Tips For Developing Your Dance Plan
Full Jump Start June package $215
Also available: A la carte pricing. Performance and feedback $135, Workshops only $80