New classes start this week!

  Come join our Tuesday and Thursday night classes! To register, click on the "Study Middle Eastern Dance" tab. Tuesday 6:30 PM Beginners Tuesday 7:30 PM Advanced Technique Tuesday 8:30 […]

Semi-private milaya workshop

A milaya is a large rectangular piece of black fabric that beledi women used to wrap around themselves as a modesty garment in Egypt in the 1930’s-1970’s. The milaya is […]

Semi-private Khaleegy workshop

Saudi and Gulf (Khaleegy/Khaliji) Dance. Lecture, plus combinations, plus time to try them out. Includes historical background, traditional dancing with a thobe (large elaborately decorated overdress) and modern approaches to […]

Semi-private workshop: Egypt’s Golden Age

The dancers of Egypt's Golden Age of cinema are still influencing modern-day dancers. Latifa will set the scene by giving students the Egyptian cultural context, and then present three dancers […]

Latifa's School of Middle Eastern Dance